Lughnasa: The First Harvest of the Celtic Year

August 1: A Time to Gather with Writers & Creatives
from Around the World


a half-day online retreat for Mythic-Minded Writers.

Through storytelling, writing, and conversation, we’ll reflect on our creative accomplishments &
imagine what’s possible in the seasons to come.


Your writing life involves so much more than putting words on a page.

This retreat is designed to deepen your creativity at many levels:

  • The inspiration and renewed perspectives that come from looking at modern life through the lens of an ancient story

  • The opportunity to pause and review all you’ve created - recently, and over your lifetime

  • The support that comes with writing and sharing with a community

  • The accountability and structure to make sustainable plans for your next creative projects


The Mythology of the Celtic Festival of Lughnasa

Lughnasa is a special day on the Celtic Wheel of the Year. It is the first harvest and a time for celebration and abundance.

The festival bears the name of Lugh, one of the Irish gods of the mythical race of the Tuatha Dé Dannan, who is associated with the sun and with great skill.

But, though the holiday is named for Lugh, it was actually a celebration in honor of his foster mother Tailtú.

She was a goddess who cleared the plains of Ireland and gave the people the gift of agriculture… and then died of exhaustion.

What a strange and terrible paradox!

What a wonderful opportunity to examine and rework the myth so we can look at:

  • the seeds we’ve planted

  • the work we’ve done

  • the celebrations that need to happen

  • how we how are serving and sharing our work with others

  • how we’re allotting our energy

  • we are nurturing ourselves

  • and, the ways we’re destroying ourselves with all this productivity

During our time together, I’ll take you into the world of Tailtú’s story.

You’ll be invited to engage in “myth work” - the practice of exploring an age-old tale in order to help you make meaning of your own experience and our collective experience.

The Lughnasa Writers’ Retreat
August 1

2 to 5 PM ET
On Zoom

Your Investment:

$109 for the three-hour event

Or… join us for free when you enroll in the Writers’ Knot Community.

Our flourishing online community meets weekly for prompted writing time and occasional deep-dive writers’ salons to discuss your work and explore questions about the creative process. We connect in a vibrant online community to share work and resources.

The next session of the Writers’ Knot begins full week of August.

You decide whether you’d like to be part of the cohort that meets on Mondays at 7 PM ET or the cohort that meets on Wednesdays at noon ET!

Your investment in the Writers’ Knot: $109 per month (five month commitment required)