Words are Weightless. Words Shape the World.

Talk might be cheap, but we’ve built a global civilization on language.

We are constantly asking the little collections of letters that take shape in our mouths, on the page, and on the screen to make meaning for us. 

We ask our words to express and request, to convince and calm, to incite and invite. 

From captions to hashtags, from in-depth reporting to clickbait headlines, from books to blog posts, from vows to offhand comments:

Words cast a spell.
Words are just noise occasionally studded with punctuation.

We’re always caught between the inestimable value of words and their inherent worthlessness. The question then becomes: how do we consciously ride those waves of paradox?

How can we imbue our words with wisdom, tune into sources whose words have meaning, and develop the discernment it takes to turn away from false prophets, the empty promises, and the bullshit artists?

It takes Sovereignty.
It takes Community.
It takes Practice.

Since 2018, I have been on a mission to help writers, healers, and seekers find a haven in the midst of the noise where they could gather and write.  Over the years, this group has been known as the Sovereign Writers Circle and the Sovereign Wisdom Circle.

The ongoing community has always been about more than “just” writing, however.  The goal has never been about word count or publication. Instead, I invite people to the page in order to meet themselves, to make meanings of their vast experiences, and wrangle their dreams into a vision that could shape the world. 

It’s about uncovering the story only you can tell. That’s your sovereign story, after all.

Coming together with a trusted community of like-hearted beings who value mind-body-soul over profits-fame-praise can change everything. You’re allowed to be vulnerable, to experiment, to write to heal and know rather than relentlessly earn and grow.

In the past, I marketed my writing group specifically to entrepreneurs since we need to tell compelling stories to call in the people who can benefit from our transformational work. Ultimately, we always returned to writing the stories of the heart. In the new iteration of the group which begins September 29, we’re going to let the words lead the way and ask the business stuff to take a back seat.

Finally, developing a resilient, insightful relationship with your own words takes practice. 

This particular collection of lines took me all morning and has resulted in this post and a longer something that may or may not ask to emerge in the world. Either way, there’s not a wasted word there because practice is essential to the writer’s process.

We’d love to have you with us in the Sovereign Writers’ Knot this autumn (or spring, depending on your spot on the globe). Learn more about everything I have planned for us over the next three months.

If you’ve been longing to make writing part of your life or want to make real progress on a project, this is place to be in the season to come.