Archetypes of Sovereignty

It's Time to Tell Stories That Are Rooted In the Earth

It's Time to Tell Stories That Are Rooted In the Earth

Right now, I don’t know how to tell a story that isn’t rooted in the soil, soaked in the rain, singed by the fires, and aware of the climbing temperatures. I may not be writing about the climate directly, but I find I am always in conversation with the Mother, with the Earth, with all the unseen interactions between humans and nature.

Every Little Thing She Does: Magic through the Eyes of the Princess, Queen, and Wise Woman 

Every Little Thing She Does: Magic through the Eyes of the Princess, Queen, and Wise Woman 

Let’s explore how the Princess, the Queen, and the Wise Woman experience, embody, and make magic.

When you think of how the different aspects of you experience magic, you’ll begin to see all the ways that magic is working its way through your life right now.