Writing Prompt: The Most Dangerous Thing

Writing Prompt : the most dangerous thing, #365StrongStories by Marisa GoudyAs we prepared for the Easter bunny yesterday, I decided to try blowing the good stuff out of a few eggs (mostly because I cracked half of the hard boiled batch). My daughter looked at me with a mix of horror and hilarity. She declared that what I was doing was "the most dangerous thing I have ever seen!" Clearly, she lives a sheltered life (and I feel pretty proud of that fact), but what about you? What is the most dangerous thing you have ever seen or tried?

Based on this video, I hope you'll see that tongue in cheek answers are encouraged and perhaps even preferred. After all, Easter is a day that can use as much laughter and joy as possible.

Share your own "danger mom" or even "danger bunny" stories on the comments or tag me when you share them on social media.