My Turn, Your Turn, Our Turn at Sovereignty

My Turn, Your Turn, Our Turn at Sovereignty

I dream of sovereignty. In this dream, I choose myself. I choose this bit of earth beneath my feet and this collection of my favorite people. I choose this community, this work, and these words.

I dream of your sovereignty and all the choices you’ll make when you realize it’s your turn.

When Mercury Retrograde Magic Exposes Your Biggest Business Mistakes

When Mercury Retrograde Magic Exposes Your Biggest Business Mistakes

Every once in a while, when you’re not cursing the tech issues and the travel delays, Mercury Retrograde offers near unimaginable gifts.

In my case, this period gave me a chance to reflect on a recent business decision and heralded the return of our beloved online community, the Sovereign Writers Circle.

Come On, Let's Play

Come On, Let's Play

I am neither a salesman or a hostess.

I am a multifaceted creature who offers up the magical and the practical, the tender and the snarky, the sacred and the mundane in equal measure. I value tears and empathy, but sometimes we all just need to laugh until it’s funny and find the way to healing with a megawatt smile.

And so, I say, come play with us, come write with us on Friday, March 1 at noon ET.

How Do You Know You’re Living Your Sovereign Story?

How Do You Know You’re Living Your Sovereign Story?

If someone asked you "what were you born to do?" would you have an answer?

For a long time, I thought I did. It’s all about the writing, I'd say.

But then I realized my immediate answer, my easy answer wasn’t really a complete answer. The real, enduring answer wasn’t writing, it was found through writing. Turns out, the mission is about so much more than the words on a page.

Find the Power of Sovereignty Within the Dream of Community

Find the Power of Sovereignty Within the Dream of Community

Many of us have lost track of a wider sense of belonging because of our relationship and family structures, because of our demanding jobs, because wine is easier, because there are so many things tugging at our attention that seem more important than connections with soul friends.

It’s time to look at our need for community, our need for sovereignty, and how the two blend together.

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts: Grappling with Gratitude and Feasting on Story

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts: Grappling with Gratitude and Feasting on Story

To tell the story of where you are right now… It’s the hardest thing to do sometimes. In the quest to “go deep” we ignore the very real, very powerful, very necessary stories right in front of us.

And so, before you pack the car or find yourself elbow deep in a bird, I invite you to pick up a pen and write into the not-so-obvious stories that are hiding in plain sight.

Meet Yourself On the Page: Write a Thank You Note to the Shadow

Meet Yourself On the Page: Write a Thank You Note to the Shadow

Writing is healing when you dare to meet yourself on the page and find a way to drop your armor and hush the inner critic. But where do you begin?

Try writing a thank you note to the shadow. Something surprising happens when you use the well-known format of a thank you note to dive into the hardest parts of your own story.

Writing Prompts for Election Day: Beyond Blue and Red, the Full Spectrum of Story

Writing Prompts for Election Day: Beyond Blue and Red, the Full Spectrum of Story

Using your voice and showing up to the polls is absolutely essential. but voting doesn’t necessarily help you express the entire story.

This series of writing prompts is designed to help you tell the story of this long (and unending?) election cycle, anchor into your mind and body in the present moment, and imagine a future - no matter who wins.

PS: GO VOTE. Find your polling place info here.

The Sovereignty Manifesto: Word Witch, Story Healer, Priestess of Sovereignty

The Sovereignty Manifesto: Word Witch, Story Healer, Priestess of Sovereignty

I had to declare who I am: Word Witch, Story Healer, Priestess of Sovereignty.

I had to declare what it is I am here to do: heal, create, love.

I had to state what is getting in our way and what it is we're truly here to do as a collective.

These are ideas I'd been playing with for ages, they are words I have surely spoken before. But never quite like this...

An October Story for the Children of the Moon and the Daughters of the Earth

An October Story for the Children of the Moon and the Daughters of the Earth

Conversations with my daughter enliven and exhaust me sometimes, especially when we’re trying to sort through stories about our beautiful, brutal, complicated world. Trying to put things into words she can understand when I realize I don’t even have the words...

Ultimately, these conversations offer the best stories and make me a better storyteller.

Trust the Cycles. Trust Yourself. Trust the Words.

Trust the Cycles. Trust Yourself. Trust the Words.

The latest video in the Writing & Magic Making series talks about the ebbs and flows of creativity and how we can honor the cycles of the seasons and of nature - especially in the magical month of October.

Join the next free community writing practice session on Friday, October 19 at noon ET. Register now.

So You Dream of Creating “A Writing Life”…

So You Dream of Creating “A Writing Life”…

So many of us walk around with a secret (or not so secret) yearning for some other way to be, some other kind of life to lead.

This thing you yearn for, it’s not so far from who you are now. You’re not asking to join the circus or live on the moon. Instead, you want your own life, plus a little something more true, more authentically yours.

A creative life. A spiritual life. An artist’s life. A writing life.

On Being Free, Charging a Fee, and then Finding Freedom (AKA the Story of #7MagicWords)

On Being Free, Charging a Fee, and then Finding Freedom (AKA the Story of #7MagicWords)

We’re about to explore the sixth round of the #7MagicWords Challenge. Here’s what it took to find the magic, to lose the magic, and to let go in order to recreate the magic once again.

#7MagicWords, the week long challenge that encourages you to find seven special (or seemingly not so special) words that will illuminate your life, work, and art.

The Confidence to Focus On All the (Right) Things

The Confidence to Focus On All the (Right) Things

“I don't want to eke out my life like a resource in short supply. The only selfish life is a timid one. To hold back, to withdraw, to keep the best in reserve, both overvalues the self, and undervalues what the self is.” - Jeanette Winterson

A big huge post about all the things: what I did on my summer vacation, new guest posts, getting public about progress on the book, and the next #7MagicWords Challenge.

How to write what you know when it hurts too much to talk about in public

How to write what you know when it hurts too much to talk about in public

So much has happened to get you to where you are - so many terrible mistakes and private joys and worrisome truths. There’s an inherent challenge embedded in “write what you know” when what you know is too private or stressful or in-process to share in public.

And, "write from the heart" is a downright punishing statement if you’re a healer or a clinician who helps people solve problems and find peace and happiness when your own daily life is full of conflict and confusion and frustration.