Free the Princess

Every Little Thing She Does: Magic through the Eyes of the Princess, Queen, and Wise Woman 

Every Little Thing She Does: Magic through the Eyes of the Princess, Queen, and Wise Woman 

Let’s explore how the Princess, the Queen, and the Wise Woman experience, embody, and make magic.

When you think of how the different aspects of you experience magic, you’ll begin to see all the ways that magic is working its way through your life right now.

Forget World-Changing, We Need World-Renewing

Forget World-Changing, We Need World-Renewing

Once upon the time, I used to use phrases like “world-changing” and “change the world” with wild abandon.

Now, that the world has changed so dramatically in just a matter of months, I realize we need to adjust the way we use such phrases. Instead, we’re called to invest ourselves in the transformative magic of “world-renewing.”

My Turn, Your Turn, Our Turn at Sovereignty

My Turn, Your Turn, Our Turn at Sovereignty

I dream of sovereignty. In this dream, I choose myself. I choose this bit of earth beneath my feet and this collection of my favorite people. I choose this community, this work, and these words.

I dream of your sovereignty and all the choices you’ll make when you realize it’s your turn.