Your Sovereign Story

The Alchemy of Story: Write to Heal Yourself and Your Reader

The Alchemy of Story: Write to Heal Yourself and Your Reader

When we work on a piece of writing, we’re also performing an act of creative alchemy.

In its simplest form, “creative alchemy” describes the movement from inspiration to manifestation. You turn a jumbled collection of ideas into a flowing, finished story. Here’s how to turn the writing that heals the self into the writing that heals your ideal readers and clients.

Forget World-Changing, We Need World-Renewing

Forget World-Changing, We Need World-Renewing

Once upon the time, I used to use phrases like “world-changing” and “change the world” with wild abandon.

Now, that the world has changed so dramatically in just a matter of months, I realize we need to adjust the way we use such phrases. Instead, we’re called to invest ourselves in the transformative magic of “world-renewing.”